サークル名: Sushi Spark
ジャンル: 熟女 人妻・主婦 巨乳 ショタ 寝取り・寝取られ・NTR 中出し フェラ おっぱい 男性向け 成人向け 歳の差 年下攻め
物語「まさか・・・こんな事に・・・」「でも、息子をイジメる様な奴に絶対負けない・・・」「私が守らないと・・・!」彼との第一印象は最悪だった。以前からイヤらしい目で見てくる頭の悪そうなクソ◯キだと思っていたが・・・噂を聞いてみると「素行に問題があるらしく、近所でも評判で手を付けられない程」だそうだ。行事で見かける度にセクハラまがいな行為をしてくるのでうんざりしていた。だが、ある日・・・・私は「今後、息子に関わらない事を条件」に性行為をする事になった。息子を守る為、息子のをイジメている同級生と性行為をする。一回したら満足するだろうと思っていた・・・しかし、年不相応のペニスに私は驚いた。彼は私との性行為をまるで「テレビゲームで弱い雑魚キャラをいたぶる」様に楽しんでいた。この時、気付いた。私は彼の「次の玩具」になったに過ぎなかったと・・・何故か年の割にヤリチンプレイボーイの様な経験とテクニックを持つイジメっ子は教育ママが交わる。性に目覚めたエロ〇キと人妻年下の男に玩具にされる中年の女性が堕とされる。彼女は息子を守る為だったでも、こんなはずではなかった・・・。本編24p制作:Sushi Spark企画・原案:Sushi Sparkこの物語はフィクションであり、実在の人物・団体・事件などには一切関係がありません。キャラ紹介下柳 真理子息子の事を第一に考える教育熱心なママ。周りから美人と評判だが、融通が利かない堅物扱いされている。だが、夫とのセックスレスにより欲求不満な日々を過ごしている。大河内 勇太頭の中は常に性行為をする事だけを考えている。衝動的な性格で考えるより先に行動を起こす性格。何故か性経験が豊富である。下柳 守優しい性格だが、気が弱くイジメのターゲットになりやすい。非常にナイーブでデリケートな性格。属性やプレイ内容愛撫クンニ絶頂巨根巨乳フェラ正常位後背位キス中出し分からせ元ヤン人妻年下攻めショタショタおば寝取られEducation mom is cuckolded by her son’s bullying classmate.storyI didn’t think... I didn’t think this would happen.But I’m not gonna let a bully like that hurt my son.I have to protect him.My first impression of him was terrible.I had always thought he was a stupid little shit who looked at me in a nasty way...Rumor has it that he has a reputation in the neighborhood for having a bad behavior problem, so much so that he is untouchable.Every time I saw him at an event, he would sexually harass me, and I was fed up with it.But one day, ・・・・I was told that I could have sexual intercourse with him ’on the condition that he would not be involved with my son in the future’.To protect my son, I would have sexual intercourse with a classmate who bullied my son’s.I thought that once I did it, I would be satisfied ...I was surprised by his penis which was not suitable for his age.He was enjoying the sexual act with me as if he was ’beating up a weak minnow in a video game.It was at this point that I realized that I had become his ’next toy.I was just his ’next toy.Somehow, the bully, who had the experience and technique of a slutty playboy for his age, mingled with the educated mom.A sexually aroused man and a married womanA middle-aged woman is corrupted by a younger man who toys with her.She was trying to protect her son.But it wasn’t supposed to be like this...Full length: 24pProduction:Sushi SparkPlanning/Drafting:Sushi SparkThis story is a work of fiction,and is in no way related to any actual person, group, or incident.※An English version is currently under construction.Please wait for a while until it is updated.Character IntroductionMariko ShimoyanagiA mother with a passion for education who puts her son first.She has a reputation as a beautiful woman, but is regarded as inflexible and rigid.However, she spends her days frustrated by the lack of sex with her husband.Yuta OkochiHe always thinks about having sexual intercourse in his mind.He is impulsive and takes action before thinking.For some reason, he has abundant sexual experience.Mamoru ShimoyanagiMamoru Shimoyanagi has a gentle personality, but he is weak-minded and an easy target for bullies.He is very naive and sensitive.Attributes and playcaressingCunnilingusClimaxBig CockBig TitsFellatioNormal PositionDoggy StyleKissingNakadashiPenetrationMarried ex-YanYounger manShotaShorty auntCuckold
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